Artist Statement

One evening, in the spring of 1987, unable to shoulder his burdens any longer, my grandfather walked into a field, sat down under a tree and laid them down.  

Withdrawn is an intimate exploration of my psychic relationship with this grandfather I never knew.  It is the story of race, injustice and the anguish of slavery’s legacy.  For the first time in my life,  I journeyed down South to step foot on the soil where  my ancestors settled after slavery and where my grandfather was born.   I wanted to stand in these places, to feel them for myself and imagine how my grandfather may have experienced them.   The events that took place here, in Livingston, Texas, led to my grandfather’s lifelong struggle with mental illness and to his tragic end.   The truth of what happened in this small segregated town was clouded in the kind of mystery and secrecy that protects a white version of history.  My hope was that I, the daughter of my ancestors, would piece together the fragmented past, dig through petrified lies and finally set the old bones free.